Welcoming speech Albrecht Gerber Minister of Economics and Energy of the State of Brandenburg
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear participants of the second Curpas Annual Conference,
The German capital region is one of the three top German locations in aviation technology. Big companies with global operations are based here. But it is also home of a strong middle class. The wide range of industrial activities is complemented by an excellent scientific basis. In short: Brandenburg and Berlin have a broad range of competences in the field of aviation technology which is unique in Germany and possibly even in Europe within this constellation.
With that in mind, it is logical that the region should also be at the forefront of new technological trends in this field. One of this trend is undoubtedly the civilian use of unmanned air systems. No other area of aviation has seen such strong technological development in recent years as the unmanned aerial vehicle sector. And this trend is likely to continue and even intensify.
Companies such as Sitebots or Multirotor produce drones in Brandenburg and also more and more drones are being used in a wide variety of areas. The possibilities for using such unmanned aircrafts are extremely diverse - whether it is to create models of buildings or to inspect impassable parts of industrial plants. Other areas of application are added almost daily. Therefore it is to be expected that the economic significance of this air traffic technology will continue to increase - across a wide range of industries.
The Curpas association makes an important contribution to the national and international networking of the drone industry. The network brings companies along the value chain into contact and cooperation. Curpas already has nearly 30 members. As a result, Curpas is increasingly developing into a competence centre for unmanned flight systems in Berlin-Brandenburg.
With the topic for the second annual conference - the connection of drones and digitalization - the network proves once again that its work is at the pulse of time. I wish all participants enriching and stimulating discussions at the conference! I would like to thank the organizers for their dedicated work and keep my fingers crossed for a successful conference!
Albrecht Gerber
Minister of Economics and Energy of the State of Brandenburg
and patron of the Curpas Annual Conference