partnership country
The Polish Clusters Association (short name: PCA) consists of over 30 clusters from Poland, from various industries - a "cluster" is defined as a spatially (geographically) concentrated group of enterprises from the same or related sectors, as well as institutions and organisations, linked by a network of vertical and horizontal dependencies, competing and cooperating with each other. Thus, PCA counts, through the coordinators of its clusters, over 3000 enterprises with the status of SMEs.
PCA consociates animators of economic clusters from all over Poland through activities: Represent social and economic interests of consociated employers (especially coordinators of clusters, cooperative relations, and cluster initiatives) on the national level. Undertake initiatives and actions aiming at improving education, qualifications, and knowledge, as well as the competences of employees in terms of work relations, law, organization, economics, education, technique, and technology, and also those contributing to adjusting educational profiles to real, current, and future requirements of the Polish economy. Cooperation with other organizations of employers and business organizations, business entities, and their national and foreign associations. Organize trainings and conferences, consulting, executing projects with the use of special target funds (including EU funds); promoting clusters, carrying out actions in favor of the cooperation between entrepreneurs and academic representatives.
PCA is one of the organisations establishing the European Clusters Alliance - activity within the structures of this association allows to ensure a stronger representation of the interests of Polish small and medium enterprises operating in cluster organisations that are members on the international forum and to disseminate the achievements of the cluster environment operating in Poland abroad, as well as to exchange experiences.
PCA permanently cooperates with the European Cluster Cooperation Platform (ECCP) and is a member of the ECCP Support Group, where it helps to establish better contacts with cluster organisations in each country and to better understand the needs of clusters and SMEs operating in these clusters.
PCA is also the main organizer of the Polish Clusters Congress - the event is organized periodically, bringing together the highest state and local government authorities, entrepreneurs representing the most innovative branches of industry and services and scientists dealing with cluster issues. Since 2013, there have been 5 editions, each time gathering approx. Since 2013 there have been 5 editions, each time gathering about 300 representatives of the companies (these include aviation, ICT, biotechnology, chemical and electronic clusters, but also construction, ecology, clothing and creative industries.
In addition, the PCA also organised four events aimed at establishing cooperation, networking of enterprises operating in clusters at the international level, especially with partners from V4 countries (i.e. 1st Visegrad Cluster Congress - V4 companies - leaders of the region during the Industrial Revolution 4.0).