Silesian Aviation Cluster

The Silesian Aviation Cluster has been operating continuously since 2006 and currently has over 80 members, including universities, business environment institutions and entrepreneurs from aviation and automotive industries. From the beginning, the main goal of the Silesian Aviation Cluster was to strengthen cooperation between enterprises, creating optimal conditions for knowledge transfer and in¬novative solutions. One of the goals of the Cluster activity is to support the development of the aviation sector, including drone production sector and sector-related services by integrating participants, developing legal solutions, supporting the creation and development of start-ups and promoting the sector in Poland and worldwide.

Several years of cooperation with the Silesian University of Technology resulted in two specialties under the patronage of the Cluster: Lightweight Structures and Aircraft Design. The dual nature of the specialty gives the opportunity for classes, internships and apprenticeships directly in industry.

Silesian Aviation Cluster is one of fifteen National Key Clusters, which play a special role in this process since they have achieved the highest level of development, becom¬ing extremely important entities for the country's economy. They perform an important function due to high activity in the transfer of knowledge and technology as well as raising their staff competences. As many studies indicate, one of the most important effects of cluster development is their impact on the creation and dissemination of knowledge.

Currently the Cluster is facing the challenge of internationalization of cluster members by implementing 3 projects under the Smart Growth Operational Pro¬gramme 2014-2020. Thanks to them, the Cluster enables its members to enter foreign markets, including by participating in international fairs, foreign missions or financing access to foreign research infrastructures.

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